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Documentation 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش
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Runtime 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش
Documentation.meta 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش
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Examples.meta 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش
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教程:5分钟上手 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش
教程:5分钟上手 7a0b317284 添加XChart插件,修改界面框的透明度 1 سال پیش


A powerful, easy-to-use, configurable charting and data visualization library for Unity.

A powerful, easy-to-use, configurable charting and data visualization library for Unity. Supporting line, bar, pie, radar, scatter, heatmap, gauge, ring, polar, liquid and other common chart.

XCharts Homepage
XCharts Q&A
XCharts API
XCharts Configuration
XCharts Changelog
Tutorial - Get start with XCharts in 5 minute

XCharts 2.0

  • Underlevel reconstruction, layered rendering, optimized scalability, support more data.
  • Support for multi-component patterns.
  • Support for any combination of most charts.
  • Support theme customization, import and export, and more theme configuration parameters.
  • Support global adjustment of configuration parameters.
  • Added support for TextMeshPro.
  • Added CandlestickChart.
  • __ Note:__ 2.0 has undergone a lot of refactoring and adjustments and is not fully compatible with version 1.0, so 1.0 should not be directly upgraded to 2.0. Some parameter Settings may be reset to default values after upgrading.


  • Rich built-in examples and templates, parameter visualization configuration, effect real-time preview, pure code drawing.
  • Support line, bar, pie, radar, scatter, heatmaps, gauge, ring, polar, liquid and other common chart.
  • Support line graph, curve graph, area graph, step graph and other LineChart.
  • Support parallel bar, stack bar, stack percentage bar, zebra bar and other BarChart.
  • Support ring, rose and other PieChart.
  • Support line-bar chart, scatter-line chart and other combination chart.
  • Support solid line, curve, ladder line, dotted line, dash line, dot line, double dot line and other lines.
  • Support custom theme, built-in theme switching.
  • Support custom chart content drawing, drawing points, line, curve, triangle, quadrilateral, circle, ring, sector, border, arrow and other drawing API.
  • Support interactive operations such as data filtering, view zooming and detail display on PC and mobile terminals.
  • Support 10,000-level big data rendering.


linechart barchart piechart radarchart scatterchart heatmapchart gaugechart ringchart polarchart liquidchart combinations

Cheat Sheet


XCharts consist of components and data. Different components and data can be combined into different types of charts. The component is divided into main component and sub component. The main component contains the sub components.

XCharts main components:

  • Theme theme component, which can configure the default colors, fonts and so on.
  • Title title component, which contains the main title and subtitle.
  • Legend legend component, which represent different sets of symbols, colors, and names. You can control which series are not displayed by clicking on the legend.
  • Grid grid component, drawing grid in rectangular coordinate system. Up to two X axes and two Y axes can be placed within a grid component. You can draw line, bar and scatter chart on the grid.
  • Axis axis component, the axis of a rectangular coordinate system. Supports the upper and lower X axes and the left and right Y axes.
  • Series series component, a list of serie. A chart can contain many different series, and each series determines its own chart type by type.
  • Tooltip tooltip component, feedback more details of the data indicated by the mouse at the time.
  • DataZoom data zoom component, used for area zooming so you can focus on detailed data information, or overview the data as a whole, or remove the impact of outliers.
  • VisualMap visual mapping component, you can map data in different colors.
  • Radar radar component, suitable for radar chart only.
  • Settings global Settings component, Some global parameters can be adjusted. Use the default values in general and adjust them as needed.

XCharts support chart:

  • LineChart
  • BarChart
  • PieChart
  • RadarChart
  • ScatterChart
  • HeatmapChart
  • GuageChart
  • RingChart
  • PolarChart
  • LiquidChart

The following is the relationship structure of LineChart:

├── LineChart
.   ├── ThemeInfo
    ├── Title
    │   └── Location
    ├── Legend
    │   └── Location
    ├── Tooltip
    ├── DataZoom
    ├── VisualMap
    ├── Grid
    ├── Axis
    │   ├── AxisLine
    │   ├── AxisName
    │   ├── AxisLabel
    │   ├── AxisTick
    │   └── AxisSplitArea
    ├── Series
    │   ├── ItemStyle
    │   ├── AreaStyle
    │   ├── SerieSymbol
    │   ├── LineStyle
    │   ├── LineArrow
    │   ├── SerieLabel
    │   ├── Emphasis
    │   ├── Animation
    │   └── SerieData
    └── Settings


  • Unity2017.4.27f1
  • .Net 3.5
  • macOS 10.15.4


  • This project was developed under Unity 2017.4.27f1 and .net 3.5, tested normally on Unity 5, Unity 2018 and Unity 2019. It can theoretically run on any version that supports UGUI.
  • Download the source code or unitypackage to import into your project. If Unity version are 2018.3 or above, it is recommended to import packages through Package Manager:
    1. Open the manifest.json file under Packages directory and add under dependencies: json "com.monitor1394.xcharts": "", 2. Going back to Unity, it may take 3 to 5 minutes to download. 3. If you want to delete XCharts, just delete the content added in step 1. 4. If you want to update XCharts, open manifest.json file , delete the content about com.monitor1394.xcharts under lock, it will download anagain. Also can check For update in components-> XCharts -> Check For Update. * Add a chart in Editor quickly: 1. In Hierarchy, right-click menu XChart->LineChart. 2. In unity menu bar, Component->XCharts->LineChart. 3. In Inspector,Add Component->LineChart. 4. Then a simple line chart is done. 5. In Inspector you can adjust the parameters of components, and in Game will feedback the adjustment effect in realtime 。the detail of parameters go to see: XCharts Configuration. * See more examples of code dynamic control: Tutorial - Get start with XCharts in 5 minute. * Enable TextMeshPro: 1. XCharts -> TextMeshPro Enable or Project Setting -> XCharts -> Enable TextMeshPro 2. Project Setting -> XCharts -> Settings -> TMP Font set the TextMeshPro font. 3. If the chart does not initialize properly, you can use the Remove All Chart Object button to clean up the chart and reinitialize it. ## Documents * XCharts Homepage
      * XCharts Q&A
      * XCharts API
      * XCharts Configuration * XCharts Changelog
      * XCharts Tutorial: Get start with XCharts in 5 minute ## Changelog XCharts Changelog
      ## Licenses MIT License ## Contact gmail: